Four Ways Bible Teachers Can Reflect Christ
While each Bible teacher may have a different style, one thing effective Bible teachers have in common is how they follow Christ’s example of great teaching
While each Bible teacher may have a different style, one thing effective Bible teachers have in common is how they follow Christ’s example of great teaching
Leading a well-organized and smoothly operating group where everyone’s needs can be met is one of the most rewarding callings that anyone can have. Most problems can be prevented or handled with finesse with a little preparation
Small groups perform a vital role in the church as they provide opportunities for members to connect, learn, grow, and minister side by side. Jesus showed us a model of a healthy small group when He called, taught, and sent out his group of twelve. As we develop small groups of our own, here are some ways we can follow the example of Christ with His disciples.
Faith doesn’t grit its teeth, shut its eyes, and block out reality. Faith is more real than that. Jesus had a lot to say about the subject of faith. The list of verses below (taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible HCSB) is not exhaustive. To know what true faith is, read what the Bible has to say.
Years ago, to choose a Bible study for a Sunday school class or small group, we simply walked into a local Christian bookstore. Today, that selection process is far more complicated.
It’s not necessary to have a seminary degree to understand God’s word; He only expects you to be hungry. For those who are Bible study leaders already, your ability to learn from God’s word and teach others will be enhanced by learning a few simple techniques for studying on your own.
All it takes to begin studying God’s word on your own is discipline, a Bible, a notebook, and a pen.