Music To Inspire: Jesus, Only Jesus
Music can inspire your small group meeting and be a way to lead your group to prayer. Sometimes, a simple acapella hymn led by one of our group members is enough to set the tone. Other times, ending our session with a music video by one of the many talented Christian worship leaders allows us to have a moment of quiet, individual worship and prayer.
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Is Christ Both Necessary and Sufficient For You?
In mathematics and philosophy, we show something to be true if it meets criteria that are both necessary and sufficient. Not only is Christ necessary and sufficient for our salvation, He’s necessary and sufficient for our day-to-day lives.
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3 Ways To Encourage Prayer Requests in Your Small Group
by Kristen Wetherell
When we, as leaders, asked for prayer requests, was getting responses from our women like pulling teeth? Or were the women eager to share their hearts with one another?
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Have You Ever Stopped Attending A Small Group?
If you’ve ever led a small group, you may have seen numbers dwindle over time. And if you’ve ever been part of a small group, you may be the one who stopped attending for one reason or another.
If you’ve ever stopped attending a small group, please answer this short survey and tell me why.
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When God Doesn’t Deliver
By Carol Heilman
Have you ever prayed for what seems like to you a reasonable request, one that you think ought to be a part of God’s plan, only to witness your life falling apart like pieces of shattered glass?
You ask yourself what in the world happened? And why? I can become bitter when things don’t go my way. Or I can rest (abide) in the Lord and choose His peace and even joy.
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The Overfilled Suitcase
I’ve learned from experience what to pack for a trip and what to leave behind. Here are a couple of my favorite packing secrets: First, I limit the shoes. They’re bulky and take up valuable space, so I like to wear the same pair for the entire trip if possible. I also reduce the number of pieces of heavy clothing like blue jeans and sweaters. One sweater is usually enough for a week. I’ve learned that dragging a giant suitcase up and down stairs, in and out of trains hurts my back, makes me anxious, and generally prevents me from enjoying my trip. Even worse, I have no space to carry home souvenirs because I’m already loaded down with stuff from home.
In my personal life, I have “baggage” that weighs me down.
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The Challenge
By John F. Thornbury
God wants us to use the abilities we have, all of them, with full dedication to his glory. The Lord has given talents, gifts, abilities to all his people. He is sovereign in this. He does not expect us to use gifts we do not have. But what we can do, we should. Here are some self-evident truths.
Each of us knows there are things we cannot do. Perhaps you cannot preach, or play an instrument in church, or sing. You my not be adept enough in math to serve as a treasurer. But there are things you can do.
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How to Teach With Personal Stories
In school and in church, you’ve heard great teachers, mediocre teachers, and some downright awful ones. What made the great ones stand out from the crowd?
Most likely, the memorable ones used stories to connect with your life in ways that were personal, engaging, and relevant. Jesus did that. He taught with stories called “parables,” and those stories were drawn from real, everyday situations. His stories were engaging, and they allowed Him to apply deep spiritual truths to everyone. Young or old, male or female, educated or simple, everyone could relate to His stories and understand His life-changing words.
Here are some practical ways we can follow Jesus’ example as we use stories to teach important lessons in our small groups
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A Royal Baby
The queue wrapped around the palace. Young and old, people stood all day for news of the royal baby. Prince William and his bride, Kate, had just given birth to the next heir to the British throne, and the throngs were breathless as they waited to welcome the new prince to London.
I was in London that week and saw the crowds fight for a chance to photograph the announcement. Not the baby, mind you. Just the announcement. A slip of paper in a gold frame announcing his arrival. At the airport en route to the UK, I heard stories of people who flew to London in anticipation of the birth. Thousands of dollars in airplane tickets and hotel rooms just to catch a glimpse of the child who may be king one day.
How different from another royal baby born over two thousand years ago.
Read the full devotion from Dec 17, 2014 here at Christian Devotions.us
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Running With Patience
At the beginning of each church year, Sunday school teachers and ministry leaders accept their new responsibilities. Looking forward to the year ahead, we see the promise of hearts touched, eyes opened, and lives changed. Most leaders in ministry don’t view the task ahead as something they have to do; they see the task as something they get to do.
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