Five Small Group Lessons Learned From Jesus
Small groups perform a vital role in the church as they provide opportunities for members to connect, learn, grow, and minister side by side. Jesus showed us a model of a healthy small group when He called, taught, and sent out his group of twelve. As we develop small groups of our own, here are some ways we can follow the example of Christ with His disciples.
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Clean Eating Plan for Christians: A 9-Step Plan to Health
Spiritual diseases are rampant in the church. Here are five ways to know if you’re suffering from spiritual disease, and four steps to clean “eating” for Christians.
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What the Bible Says About Faith
Faith doesn’t grit its teeth, shut its eyes, and block out reality. Faith is more real than that. Jesus had a lot to say about the subject of faith. The list of verses below (taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible HCSB) is not exhaustive. To know what true faith is, read what the Bible has to say.
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Why I Love to Storyboard
My guest on Unfolding His Word today is Debra Coleman Jeter, award-winning writer and author of the new novel, The Ticket. Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, you will find ideas here to keep you writing.
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3 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Next Small Group Bible Study
Years ago, to choose a Bible study for a Sunday school class or small group, we simply walked into a local Christian bookstore. Today, that selection process is far more complicated.
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Six Steps to Personal Bible Study
It’s not necessary to have a seminary degree to understand God’s word; He only expects you to be hungry. For those who are Bible study leaders already, your ability to learn from God’s word and teach others will be enhanced by learning a few simple techniques for studying on your own.
All it takes to begin studying God’s word on your own is discipline, a Bible, a notebook, and a pen.
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Celebrate In Christ Alone
This month marks the one-year anniversary of the launch of my book, Enduring Faith: An 8-Week Devotional Study of the Book of Hebrews published by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. The theme of the study is Christ alone. We don’t please God by being religious. Instead, we can enjoy freedom in Christ through a more intimate relationship with Jesus. The song by Keith and Kristyn Getty, In Christ Alone, captures the Biblical concepts in Hebrews beautifully.
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Using Quotes In Your Small Group Lesson
Sometimes others express a thought so well, the best we can do is quote them. Used sparingly, quotes can inspire your small group and give your members something to ponder.
As you prepare for your next small group meeting, here are some best practices to keep in mind as you gather the inspirational words of others.
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The Most Powerful People In the World
Regarding their list, Forbes states, “There are 7.2 billion people on the planet. These are the 72 who rule the world.” As Christians, we respond: There are 7.2 billion people on the planet, and billions more throughout history. There is only One who rules the world.
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How to Encourage Prayer Requests without Losing Valuable Discussion Time
Have you been in groups where the prayer requests took more than half the meeting, so the group didn’t finish discussing the lesson for the week? Did you write down all the requests only to get home and feel overwhelmed by all the needs?
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