Clean Eating Plan for Christians: A 9-Step Plan to Health
Spiritual diseases are rampant in the church. Here are five ways to know if you’re suffering from spiritual disease, and four steps to clean “eating” for Christians.
Spiritual diseases are rampant in the church. Here are five ways to know if you’re suffering from spiritual disease, and four steps to clean “eating” for Christians.
Faith doesn’t grit its teeth, shut its eyes, and block out reality. Faith is more real than that. Jesus had a lot to say about the subject of faith. The list of verses below (taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible HCSB) is not exhaustive. To know what true faith is, read what the Bible has to say.
My guest on Unfolding His Word today is Debra Coleman Jeter, award-winning writer and author of the new novel, The Ticket. Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, you will find ideas here to keep you writing.
Years ago, to choose a Bible study for a Sunday school class or small group, we simply walked into a local Christian bookstore. Today, that selection process is far more complicated.